What we found was disturbing. The previously swank On-Campus Recruiting Office had been reduced to something like a wildlife sanctuary, with Economics majors and finance concentrators skulking around like hungry bandicoots in search of food. "I've been following a three part interview process- fit questions, brainteasers, and ending with a tranquilizer shot to the candidate's femur," said Jon Von Somson, an M.D. at Lazard and one of the few people still recruiting for finance jobs this year. As a sidenote, Mr. Von Somson is a well-known d-bag.

Stories have been circulating around campus of desperate students being driven into acts of sabotage, in order to secure jobs. As I walked along Locust Walk, I witnessed a student roll up a Financial Times newspaper and use it to shoot a poison dart at his roommate. "I've started packing up my suit and changing into it at the actual interview site. If I'm seen wearing a tie around campus, there's a 70% chance I'll be attacked by a fellow student. It's like being a minority at an LAPD Police Station," says Rodney King, a Junior at Penn.

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